[AMPS] Plate load charts

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 02:35:32 -0500

On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 16:56:40 -0500 "Roger D. Johnson" <n1rj@pivot.net>
>George Carson, K4GDG, wrote a nice article in the Summer 1991
>Communications Quarterly
>concerining SB-220 mods. He claims 250 more watts out on 10m, 200w
>on 15m, and 100w
>on 20m.
>73, Roger

I just reread that article and now see why I originally shelved it. 

A lot of it is pretty much a copy of Rich's ideas ( published years
prior) with respect to the input. 

At no point does he say what improvement each step made and the plate
mods are fairly extensive for the claimed benefit.

Perhaps someone on the reflector has tried them and can comment. 

>From my own experience and other recent comments I seriously doubt if the
original 10-15M tank coil needs any changing. I suspect that input
network changes made the biggest improvement, particularly with  VSWR
limited SS exciters.

73  Carl  KM1H

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