[AMPS] Henry Roller Coil

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 03:33:14 -0500

On Thu, 07 Jan 1999 23:57:55 EST wc6w@juno.com (Radio WC6W) writes:
>> >Isn't a ribbon coil the kind that uses the "flat stock" type of
>>eg, 1/4" strap?
>> >The Johnson roller coils I am familiar with use a ceramic form and
>>around a #12 solid, round conductor.
>>   The small (3 & 5 amp) Johnson 229 series use the ceramic form
>construction with round wire.  
>  The larger Johnson coils use edge wound ribbon or even copper 
>   If I recall correctly, the 222 series is most similar in 
>to the Henry coils with the contact rotating on the inside.
>   The Johnson 226 series rotates an edge wound coil, without a full
>ceramic form, against a fixed contact.
>      And for the big stuff, the Johnson 224 series utilizes an inner 
>contact design with 3/8 or 1/2 inch tubing for 30 and 40 amp ratings
>   Marv  WC6W

Johnson has not made those coils for roughly 20 years.  Johnson, LaPointe
 and Multronics all sold out to Cardwell.

If you want sticker shock get their catalog.

73  Carl  KM1H

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