[AMPS] Tesla coil effects in open turns of coils

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:14:54 -0500

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 15:37:33 -0700 John Lyles <jtml@lanl.gov> writes:


>Our recent amplifier for 2.8 MHz runs with a 15 uH Multronics inductor 
>the pi-network output. I've got a little over a turn unused, and did 
>bother to short it. It hasn't caused any problems.

Several ham amps including the MLA-2500 use a non shorting switch with no
apparent problem. I have never replaced one anyway.
The key to success may be in selecting the switch ratings to begin with. 

OTOH, the B&W- Viewstar PT-2500A had to resort to a 7KV rated Model 86
switch in order to stop the arcing in a shorted turn Pi-L design.

There is more to proper amp design than cutting a few holes and saying

73  Carl  KM1H
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