[AMPS] HV Connectors

Kenneth D. Grimm, K4XL grimm@lynchburg.net
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 20:13:32 -0500

km1h@juno.com wrote:

> You are way off Ian. RG-58C/U is rated at 1900V and RG-59B/U is rated at
> 2300V per MIL -HDBK-216. Those are the solid dielectric cables, not foam.
> >Still,
> >this is an area where a drop of a few volts doesn't matter, so long
> >as
> >the cable doesn't actually get hot.
> 70 or 80C depending if it is commercial or Mil rated for RG-58, only 60C
> for RG-213 per Belden catalog.
> 73  Carl  KM1H

Reminds me of my early days when as a lad, I spent all my savings on a
brand new Johnson Viking Thunderbolt to go with my Ranger.  Since the
piggy bank was empty, I decided to use RG-59 since it was so much
cheaper than RG-11.  Everything was OK as long as I was on CW, but when
I ran the T-Bolt as an AM linear at about 500 watts, I noticed the RG-59
got pretty hot.  Sure enough, one day after a long-winded QSO on 15 mx
AM, the dielectric melted enough that I got a direct short with all the
expected excitement.  

I learned my lesson and switched to RG-11.  Try as I might, I never was
able to melt RG-11 with the T-Bolt.  That came with later home brew

Ken K4XL
BoatAnchor Manual Archive - http://bama.sbc.edu or

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