[AMPS] How to slow down blower ?
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 11:45:39 -0500
On Sun, 24 Jan 1999 10:29:53 -0500 Bob Dodson WB5APD EM84ak
<wb5apd@stc.net> writes:
>Hi all;
> What is the best way to slow down a 117vac blower. Have lots
>of air
>could use a little less noise. Lamp dimmer will work but think the
>would overheat that way.
Dentron, Amp Supply used a series resistor to provide a 2 speed effect
with muffin fans. I see no reason why it will not work on a blower. I
would start with something around 300-500 Ohm 25-50W adjustable wirewound
and experiment. Just be sure that the final value permits reliable
73 Carl KM1H
>Bob Dodson
>Dahlonega Ga. WB5APD/EM84AK
>"ex-WA4WQC, ex-WV6SKV"
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