[AMPS] Triode conected Tetrodes

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 24 Jan 1999 14:50:58 -0800

>While looking through the ARRL hand book (1979) I came across an
>article for an 833a tri band amplifier. In the first part of the
>article the author says 
>"Pi-network value are given for various surplus tubes: 4-400A, 4-250A,
>304TH and 833A.
>The power tube is used in the grounded-cathode configuration. If the
>tube to be used is a tetrode, the screen and grid should be tied 
>together to simulate a triode. 

€  Not if one wants to build a linear amplifier.  

>The 0.01-u F disk capacitors from each
>cathode terminal to ground provide a low-impedance rf path,
>effectively by-passing the cathode to ground. Grid voltage is 
>developed across a low resistance, R1, which coincidentally maintains
>a constant load impedance for the exciter and prevents instability."
€  However, tetrodes that are connected this way require large amounts of 
grid current in order to draw  moderate plate/anode current, are 
virtually certain to oscillate without neutralization, and the results 
are by no means linear.  .  .  When the screen and grid are tied 
together, one has little choice but to ground them and drive the cathode

>Now for some questions:
>Can other tetrodes be used the same way? i.e. 4-1000, 4CX3000,

€  No tetrode can be used in such a way to produce a practical linear 
amplifier.   Tetrodes are designed to be grid driven using a regulated 
screen supply.  They work best when neutralized and not driven into the 
grid current region.   However, only tetrodes that are designed for Class 
AB1 will work well.  The 4-400A and 4-250A were designed for Class AB!.  
The 304TH and 833A were designed for Class C operation  --  i.e., they 
will only draw the rated current with substantial grid current, and that 
makes ssb doo-doo in AB1.    
>How do you determine Bias voltage for a triode connected tetrode? 
>In what range would you except the IMD to be?
€  My guess is. about -15db total IMD. 

>Is there any problems with this type of amplifier?
€  None --  if you don't mind taking a chance on getting tarred and 
feathered at ham conventions. 
-  later, Art


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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