[AMPS] big or small amps, we're all hams

john merryman andy_m_99@yahoo.com
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 18:03:29 -0800 (PST)

Yes i agree totally, there are some individuals who dont want to
educate people, but who just want to bottle up information, either for
commercial gain or just have a poor attitude, and some people who just
love making fun of people in front of others. This is a  recent
phenomenon, since in days gone past people were willing to share

Equally sad is the quality of printed information, i must admit now
that i go through bookshops and hamfests looking for all the old radio
engineering and electronic book, because they explain things in simple
clear english. The maths is also very well illustrated. I have learned
more from these books than all issues of the Arrl Handbook put together.

The ARRL and others complain about black box operators all the time,
yet they are supposed to be educating us and trying to improve our
knowledge, yet they fail at this. Look at the Handbook, besides all
the geniuses on this board, has anyone actually looked at the section
on High Voltage Power supply design, its not very good. Its
application of maths, formulas and design principles is very poor and
has many errors. If you want to build a canned project power supply
its great, but if you want to understand how to design and calculate
things and go your own way, you will struggle if you are a newcomer.
There are many other areas like this in the Handbook. CARL THEIR IS A 
them how its done.

Yet a Guy Like RICHARD MEASURES, can on his web page teach you more in
50 pages about amps and high voltage power supplies than it would take
10 years to accumalate waiting for articles in QST QEX etc,  or the
latest ISSUE of the Handbook, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK RICH. 

Well some could learn from the honest and true Ham spirit of Rich
Measures, i wish their was a 100 more individuals like him, who help
share and educate and raise the standards of us all. Because many
would like to reduce us to morons, that use articles and kits without
understanding what they are doing. We will be back in the dark ages
going Hail The Great God Carl!

nuff said

---John Fielding <johnf@futurenet.co.za> wrote:
> Thanks John for bringing a voice of "medium road" to the discussion.
> have learnt a lot from several professional rf engineers who are not
> hams but understand high power amplifiers and are willing to pass on
> some of their knowledge.  Often the questions must sound kind of
> stupid, but if you don't ask you won't learn!!
> Incidentally the term "expert" was explained to me many years ago.
> An Ex is a "has-been" and a "Spurt" is a drip under pressure - Hi.
> John	ZS5JF
> ----------
> > From: John T. M. Lyles <jtml@lanl.gov>
> > To: amps@contesting.com
> > Subject: [AMPS] big or small amps, we're all hams
> > Date: 25 January 1999 10:07
> > 
> > 
> > I realize that the heat may have passed, but I just wanted to
> on
> > one sentence that I read this morning:
> > 
> > >>And then claiming that those who help the poor guy are just
> building
> > >>there egos is just absolute rubbish.  Many thanks to guys like
> > >>Measures and John Lyles for doing some good old fashioned
> > >
> > >
> > >Yeah sure, how many need 100KW Elmers that have zero revelence to
> any ham
> > >reality? Interesting reading but of no practical use at 1500W.
> > 
> > The theory and practice of RF power amplifiers are identical,
> it's
> > 100 watts or 100 Megawatts. Pi networks, tubes, HV power supplies.
> all
> > scales up or down. Ohms law always seems to work. Maybe corona
> in,
> > but other than that.....
> > 
> > I don't particularly believe that it is irrelevent, or I would not
> have
> > even mentioned what I build for my own career thing.  I could just
> sit here
> > talking about my modified SB220 (it does work, and has the same mods
> that
> > most hams chat about here) but I thought something more interesting
> to most
> > amplifier builders would be other units, that use the EXACT same
> > prinicipals as the 1500 watters. In 1978 I built/modified an 829B
> amplifier
> > on two meters. Yuk! But I learned from that old piece. Most of the
> advice
> > that I read from a number of very knowledgeble RF experimenters
> I
> > agree with. Which is exactly why I don't like to waste bandwidth on
> the
> > Internet complaining, or shooting down other peoples circuits.
When a
> less
> > experienced amplifier builder asks a question, which may be common
> > knowledge to 'experts', hams take the time to reply, and the
> requester gets
> > a variety of answers, to sort through. Usually, if one reads them,
> there is
> > a common middle ground answer than can be distilled.  Funny, I never
> even
> > looked to see ham calls, or what the power level is. I do not try
> > police what someone will use RF power for, as a number of people
> use
> > RF in their work. I have met a lot of people here, who do bigger RF
> systems
> > than 1500 Watts, and never mention it here. This appears to be the
> only
> > forum I have seen that covers all RF power amplification.
> > 
> > The same tube/transistor manufacters apply. The same passive RF
> components
> > - ceramic caps, doorknobs, micas, vacuum variables, in bigger or
> smaller
> > PAs. I have learned a lot reading the AMPS reflector, and applied
> some of
> > the new knowledge to my own designs. I assume that others do the
> same. I do
> > not sell my designs for $$ here, nor to I recommend that all read
> every
> > word that I say and believe it.
> > 
> > I am an advanced class ham, since 1971, a youngster compared to some
> - but
> > I am middle aged! I would have gotten extra class except for the 20
> WPM.
> > Maybe it will finally happen. Ham radio got me into RF, along with
> working
> > in a small town radio station back then. I am happy to have gotten
> do
> > the things that i liked, and been paid for it. Everyone can do this
> in
> > whatever field they wish, if they really try. OK, enough said, i'm
> sounding
> > like one of those self-help talk shows, but I hate seeing people
> bashing
> > themselves and others over their opinions.
> > 
> > 73
> > John
> > K5PRO
> > (former WN4PRO, WB4PRO)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampfaq.html
> > Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
> > Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
> > Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
> > Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm
> --
> FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampfaq.html
> Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
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Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
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