[AMPS] glue
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 03:27:00 -0500
On Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:04:39 -0600 Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com> writes:
>>Has anyone had any experience in glueing a broken choke on a ceramic
>>back togeather? I have one in my tank circuit that I glued back
>>with a good grade of 5 min. epoxy and I wondered about the rf heating
>it up
>>and destroying the bond after a period of time.
>Hi Larry,
>I tried it once with super glue and it really didn't last too long.
>Started giving me problems after a couple of weeks. Perhaps epoxy
>work better, but don't use superglue. Someone told me that it is a
>dessicant which means that it ends up absorbing moisture. This
>will eventually cause the bond to fail.
Hmmmm. At work we use Loctite Super Bonder 499. This is a modern offshoot
of SuperGlue ( contains cyanoacrylate ester).
It is developed as a "thermal cycling resistant gel instant adhesive"
Ceramic is not mentioned on the tube short list but I use it daily at
1-60GHz including bonding ceramic and other parts to ceramic.
Dont know about HF QRO but it survives 100W at 7 GHz from -35C to +75C.
Sometimes it takes a bit more than " someone told me it dont work".
Whatever happened to first person experience and experimenting?
73 Carl KM1H
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