[AMPS] Re: SERIOUS commentary from N4XY on "no-code" and "bou nced" submission to [CW] from Bob Marston, K1TA [LONG] but please read a ll

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:15:45 -0000

>Given the fact that cw is far more spectrum efficient 

It isn't. Spectrum efficiency is bits/Hz.

HF packet is about 0.1 bits/Hz. HF CW  is about 10bits/sec, and needs about
50Hz to allow for fading etc, so is about 0.2 bits/Hz. Analogue speech is
often reckoned as about 2 bits/Hz.

CW is inherently narrow band, not spectrally efficient.

It's also a skill, and arguably an art form. Just as you protect rare
animals to prevent extinction, there's an argument for treating CW the same


Peter G3RZP

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