[AMPS] ARRL and QST (and CW Relevance)
Andy Wallace
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 11:55:56 -0600
Who decides the relevance of any of the questions in the written exams? you?
International regulations require the ability to send and receive CW but do
not specify a speed--look it up! 1 wpm would be legal, 5 wpm is plenty. 13
or 20 wpm are nonsense.
Andy K5VM
T A RUSSELL wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jan 1999 16:05:38 -0600 Andy Wallace <andywallace@home.com>
> writes:
> >
> >More third grade style strawman arguments--nobody suggested
> >making the written exams easier--lets make them HARDER
> but dealing with relevant information.
> >
> >Andy K5VM
> >
> Who decides WHAT is relevant?
> What really is relevant?
> CW was deemed RELEVANT by International Agreement
> so that anyone using a radio would be able to recognize
> a DISTRESS call. Remember the TITANIC?
> Someone trained in CW can recognize a distress call
> even though he cannot understand a word of English.
> Using Q-signals (such as QTH) relevant INFORMATION
> can be passed between people who have NO common language
> other than CW.
> THAT is the RELEVANCE of CW.
> I don't buy the feeble excuse that someone can't learn the code.
> There may be a miniscule number of exceptions, but MOST
> peoply who cry they can't learn the code simply aren't willing
> to put forth the time and effort to do so. IMHO, If you are too
> lazy to learn the code, you shouldn't play the game.
> On the technical side, CW is capable of producing the
> highest Signal to Noise ratio because it has the narrowest
> Bandwidth of all modulation systems. That alone keeps it
> "relevant" as a viable means of communication under
> adverse conditions.
> de Tom N4KG
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