[AMPS] ARRL and QST (and CW Relevance)

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:25:00 -0600

>>To be frank, ham radio has NOT been the technology leader for many, 
>>many years.  That is falacy.  Put it this way, the concept of cellular 
>>telephones was developed in the 1950s!  
>Maybe ham radio was not the direct leader, but it would be interesting to
>see how many of the new developments were done in industry by hams.

I would agree with that.  You are right.  Much of the development of the 
technology was done by engineers/folks who happened to have ham radio as 
their hobby.  No question about it.  I know one of the inventors of the 
transistor was a ham as well as I am sure many more high profile 
scientists.  Would they have made the inventions w/o ham radio?  Who 



Jon Ogden

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