[AMPS] grid termination value and triple bypass.

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 12:05:34 -0500

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 09:02:54 -0600 Andy Wallace <andywallace@home.com>
>Since I have a number of other time consumong activities which 
>preclude me
>from building a linear right now , what would you charge to build me 
>what you
>would consider a good 1500 watt linear? With all the refinements you 
>say the
>commercial builders are skipping.   I'll bet it would be a large sum 
>of money
>if you had the time.
>Andy  K5VM

Any one-off product will cost many times the equivalent off the shelf
product. That is assuming all parts are new, professional metal work,

And you are correct, I no longer have the time for such a project with
added refinements.

You might want to consider approaching one of the speciality builders who
do 8877 amps for VHF and see what can easily be adapted to HF. The
hardest parts would most likely be common.

Another consideration would be to purchase a commercial amp and do the
upgrade. The AL-1500 for instance has an excellent PS and there is plenty
of room to create a 1500W RTTY RF deck.

The Dentron DTR2000L can be made into an excellent amp by someone who
wants to take the time.

If you like old heavy boatanchors consider a Henry with a pair of 8877's
or 3CX1200's.
Others have taken the L4B RF deck to 3KW +

All it takes is time, money and creative ability.

73  Carl  KM1H

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