[AMPS] 3CX300A1 for AB1 GG

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Tue, 27 Jul 1999 16:49:15 -0400

> You are right if no ALC is used.  My idea assumes 1-10 mA grid current
> (yes, it is little bit AB2), but ALC reduces driving power from the
> excitor, resulting total IMD is not so bad. Remember 6146 AB1 GC in KWM-2,
> same thing.

First, ALC is not that fast. Most rigs can't even keep up with 
themselves, let alone a loop from an external PA.

Second, any grid current will perturb grid voltage unless the grid 
comes from a supply with low esr and good dynamic regulation.

Third, you are locked into cathode drive without complex circuitry. 

73, Tom W8JI

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