[AMPS] Amp Supply LK-500ZA Questions

Bill Vogler vogler@innercite.com
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 19:10:05 -0700

Hello -

I just acquired a sick LK-500ZA that I am attempting to bring back to
health. The previous owner claims that everything is fine except on 10
meters. He says on 10 he smells something burning and the other bands
appear fine. I have not tried turning the amp and I have a few questions
for the reflector.

Upon opening the unit I have found 3 apparent discrepancies:

1) Burnt 160 meter disc capacitor in the Fixed Plate Capacitor Loading
section of the tank circuit.

2) Completely different values of the fixed Tank Capacitors than given in
the schematic.

3) Different brand of 3-500z tube, one is an Eimac and the other is an

Without going into any gory detail and taking up bandwidth, is anyone
familiar with this amplifier? Any helpful comments or hints would be
appreciated on how to proceed to get this amplifier working properly. I can
post any follow-up questions to the reflector or take it off line.


Bill, W6QD

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