[AMPS] Fw: TL922

rb rbigg@pcola.gulf.net
Wed, 28 Jul 1999 22:58:56 -0500

>I just bought a TL922 which I won't have going for a couple of months.  Had
>a lot of good responses to a query on this unit before I bought it.  Now
>that the dust has settled somewhat, there are a couple of things that I am
>curious about.  Several guys have mentioned "weak power supply", and a
>couple have recommended that I run it on 220vac vice 110vac.
>Regarding the weak pwr supply, will the amp stand up to it's Kenny rated
>spec use on SSB  (2kw, I think)?  Or, do I need to take it easier on the
>unit because of an inherent pwr supply limitation?
>Also, what are the pros and cons of the 220vac vice 110vac op?  Will it run
>on 110, which, if I understand it right, is one of the design features (I
>assume just a matter of changing taps on the xfmr primary)?
>Have no fear.  I am going to get a 220 line run to the shack for this
>purpose, as I am a believer in using the higher line voltage on principle.
>I'd just like to know the thinking of users
>73 de Ron, K5BDJ

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