[AMPS] Vox
Jon Ogden
Fri, 4 Jun 99 09:14:52 -0500
>>I guess Rich and I will never be in a QSO of more than hello and goodbye!
>€ If you hold the hammer down after you say hello, there will assuredly
>be no goodbye from yours truly.
Well, I don't continually hold down the mic button. Only while I am talking!
>> I HATE VOX most of the time!
>€ You run VOX every time you talk on the telephone, Jon. As I recall,
>we conversed on the telephone.
Telephone is full duplex. Ham radio isn't. Or are you saying that even with a telephone it's not truly full duplex but switches super fast? Don't think so. You and I can both talk on a telephone at the same time and hear each other. While you are speaking on ham radio, you can't hear me if I start talking until you pause and the vox drops.
Oh well......VOX I guess if fine if you are using it to ragchew and it is set up properly. It's annoying though trying to talk to someone where the first half syllable of every word is missed.
The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!
Jon Ogden
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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