[AMPS] TV Doorknobs as Plate Blockers

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:44:57 -0700

>K5PC wrote:
>"Make sure you have an RF choke accross the output of the amp because is is
>just a matter of time until those "TV" type doorknobs are going to smoke.
>They are not RF rated for 1500 watts."
>Not to argue with K5PC, but I've had such caps as plate blockers in my 15M
>3-1000Z for ten years with no problems whatsoever.
>What is it about these caps that makes them unsuitable?  Ceramic design,
>15KV rating, and with appropriate amounts of C - what is it?
�   There are no current ratings.  Some can handle RF current.  Some not. 
  .  Thus, the only way to find out how much current they can safely 
handle is to conduct a heating test.  I do the test on 1.8MHz (the worst 
case) using a paralled roller coil to resonate the 500pF, which is 
connected in parallel with a 50-ohm termination.  I apply power and check 
for heating/ increasing  SWR.  I measure the potential across the 
paralleled circuit, and calculate amperes.  TV doorknobs have the wrong 
temp. coefficient for use in tuned circuits. //  Another problem is that 
using two or more caps. for DC blocker service creates an additional 

-  later, Dave.


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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