[AMPS] Neutralizing HB amp

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 22:45:00 -0700

>Working on a homebrew  4-1000 amp.  The CN is a piston type (outer sleeve
>feeds below chassis to the grid circuit, inner / adjustable sleeve connected
>to the anodes).  Due to space considerations, CN is sitting appx. 4.5" from
>the anodes (centerline to centerline) or appx. 3" from the anodes to the
>outer (grid) sleeve.
>I can't get a null... 

€  Is the grid roller inductor tuned for 1 to 1 input SWR?
Due to the screen resonance at 25MHz in the 4-1000a, 'tis best to 
neutralize at 21MHz.  
Do you have a substitute resistance connected from the anodes to chassis 
Have you read the neutralization procedure information in "Amplifiers" on 
my Web site? 

-  cheers, Bill


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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