[AMPS] Ripple current ratings of high voltage caps.
John Fielding
Sat, 6 Mar 1999 20:00:31 +0200
HI Rich - from Nichicon catalog for the GQ series, the leakage current for a 470uF @ 450V
should be less than 1380uA to remain in spec. Probably a worst case but over 1mA still
seems a bit high. And leakage current is temperature dependent increasing as temperature
goes up. For comparison the 85C series (LQ etc) have the same leakage current specs.
BTW the spec is for a capacitor having the rated voltage applied for 5 mins, measurement
is taken after the 5 mins. How does this compare with the CDE parts? We see very little
US component data here, mostly Japanese and European, would be interesting to compare the
various manufacturers.
John ZS5JF
> From: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
> To: km1h@juno.com; amps@contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [AMPS] Ripple current ratings of high voltage caps.
> Date: 06 March 1999 01:31
> >
> >
> >>>Hope this of some interest as I feel that spending $$ un-necessarily on
> >>>105C rated capacitors to end up with less ripple current capabilty is a
> >>pointless fact.
> >>>
> >>Ä However, comparing a ripple-current rating for 105 deg C with a
> >>ripple current rating for 85 degrees C is hardly valid. My guess is that
> >>105 deg C capacitors are going to last longer in a typical anode supply.
> >>
> >>- later, John
> >>
> >>
> >>Rich...
> >
> >I have to agree with Rich on this one !
> >
> >I can not speak for Nichicon but the life and derating curves for the CDE
> >380 85c and 381 105c series show a much longer expected life span when
> >both are run at 85c. Even at 45c the 105 c cap has a significant edge.
> >
> >Further, at equivalent 85c temperatures, the ripple ratings are almost
> identical.
> >
> >IMO, in an anode supply of an amp in the 1200W or higher category the
> >105c cap will make both life and economical sense.
> >
> € amen, Carl. I have replaced plenty of 85 deg C rated electrolytics.
> I have replaced no 105 deg C rated electrolytics.
> >Personally, I would not want to use the ALL Electronics specials in
> >anything much above a SB-200 size amp without running temp and leakage
> >tests.
> >
> € Agreed. Anything over 250uA of leakage at the rated V is suspect.
> Also, capacitors that are slow to reform are showing signs of aging.
> Rich...
> R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures
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