[AMPS] Re: Ripple current/cap specs

Phil T. (VE3OZZ) phil@vaxxine.com
Sat, 06 Mar 1999 20:48:11


You can now look-up CDE's specs on line. They've started to put PDFs on
their web site, and it looks like more to come.  There's a pretty good
guide to aluminum electrolytics there too.  Click around to find everything.


And the test protocol you cited below for leakage current appears to be a
"standard" used by the industry.  Its yhe same one mentioned by Phillips
and Mallory.


At 08:00 PM 3/6/99 +0200, you wrote:
>HI Rich - from Nichicon catalog for the GQ series, the leakage current for
a 470uF @ 450V
>should be less than 1380uA to remain in spec.  Probably a worst case but
over 1mA still
>seems a bit high.  And leakage current is temperature dependent increasing
as temperature
>goes up.  For comparison the 85C series (LQ etc) have the same leakage
current specs. 
>BTW the spec is for a capacitor having the rated voltage applied for 5
mins, measurement
>is taken after the 5 mins.  How does this compare with the CDE parts?  We
see very little
>US component data here, mostly Japanese and European, would be interesting
to compare the
>various manufacturers.
>John	ZS5JF
>> From: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>
>> To: km1h@juno.com; amps@contesting.com
>> Subject: Re: [AMPS] Ripple current ratings of high voltage caps.
>> Date: 06 March 1999 01:31
>> >
>> >
>> >>>Hope this of some interest as I feel that spending $$ un-necessarily on 
>> >>>105C rated capacitors to end up with less ripple current capabilty is a 
>> >>pointless fact.
>> >>>
>> >>Ä  However, comparing a ripple-current rating for 105 deg C with a 
>> >>ripple current rating for 85 degrees C is hardly valid.   My guess is
>> >>105 deg C capacitors are going to last longer in a typical anode
>> >>
>> >>-  later, John
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>Rich...
>> >
>> >I have to agree with Rich on this one !
>> >
>> >I can not speak for Nichicon but the life and derating curves for the CDE
>> >380 85c and 381 105c series show a much longer expected life span when
>> >both are run at 85c. Even at 45c the 105 c cap has a significant edge.
>> >
>> >Further, at equivalent 85c temperatures, the ripple ratings are almost 
>> identical.
>> >
>> >IMO, in an anode supply of an amp in the 1200W or higher category the
>> >105c cap will make both life and economical sense.
>> >
>> €  amen, Carl.  I have replaced plenty of 85 deg C rated electrolytics.  
>> I have replaced no 105 deg C rated electrolytics.  
>> >Personally, I would not want to use the ALL Electronics specials in
>> >anything much above a SB-200 size amp without running temp and leakage
>> >tests.
>> >
>> €  Agreed.  Anything over 250uA of leakage at the rated V is suspect.  
>> Also, capacitors that are slow to reform are showing signs of aging.  
>> Rich...
>> R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  
>> --
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