[AMPS] Transformers/ My new Henry Amps

Radiodan W7RF RFpower@radiodan.com
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 18:40:05 -0800

Hi Jim, your posts are not getting through the reflectors because of the
picture attachments.

I am forwarding this message for you sans pix.

73, Dan Magro W7RF

> HI all,
> On this topic,  a day or so ago,  someone wondered
> what transformer vendor Henry was now using.  Just
> got my new Henry via air freight yesterday.  Opened
> the back panel today to fish out the 230 VAC cable,
> and had a look at the Pwr  xfromr, choke, and another
> units in there.  All are black,  big creatures,  and are
> marked as mnfgr.  by Magnespec,  Inc.  HV Power unit
> has there part number 150400.  Same name on what
> I take to be the big choke,  and again on a smaller
> transformer -- relay driver,  filaments,  not sure.
> So no ECA units in this one.
> BTW,  the case of the RF deck/PS pedestal of this
> thing is built as a tank would be!!  Very heavy Al angle,
> U-angle frame,  and heavy Al panel with machine bolts;
> no sheep metal screws in sight!  Machine bolts go into
> threaded holes in the heavy frame;  perfect alignment.
> Took back,  top,  and another panel off to reach in to
> put the big RF filter in series between the amp output
> and the input to the Bird directional couple,  built into
> the upper insides of the case.  Type N fitted cables
> pass out through large rubber grommets holes.
> All in all,  very impressive commercial grade fabrication,
> manufacturing technology,  from what I have found so far.
> For those interested,  a photo of the entire ensemble of
> Henry items I rcvd is attached.  About have everything set
> up today.  Just a couple more hours,  and I should be on
> the air!  In the photo is Paul,  N6VLV who did all the
> mods I requested  and built up the special Controller unit
> and external preset tuning boxes.  Of course,  as installed,
> nothing is atop the pedestal unit.
> 73,  Jim,  KH7M

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