[AMPS] CW amplifier progress (well, daydream progress) -- long

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Mon, 15 Mar 1999 19:50:16 -0500

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 16:27:41 -0700 "Michael J. Baker" <K0qz@primenet.com>
>Vic Rosenthal wrote:
>> Goal: 1200-1500 watts CW output, 160-10m.  Reliability under CW 
>> conditions is the first priority.  Low cost is the second.
>> Tubes:  I like the 8877, but pulls are getting hard to find and more 
>> and I feel (wrongly?) more comfortable with new tubes.  New 8877's 
>> outrageously expensive.  I am thinking about a pair of 3-500Z's: 
>they are
>> available, not too costly, rugged, and instant-on.  NOS Eimacs are 
>available for
>> $330/pr and RF Parts has their own brand of Chinese tubes for 
>$250/pr.  Any
>> comments on the RF Parts tubes?
>> The 3CX800A7 and 3CX1200A7 are expensive and not instant-on.  Also 
>they have
>> somewhat low grid dissipation ratings and I'm afraid of damaging 
>	Just a passing thought from a new guy to the reflector, but 
>not new to
>homebrew amps.
>	Why not consider either one or two 4CX800 by Svetlana?  Cost 
>reasonable at $190 each and the sockets are only $22 each.  Two tubes
>would loaf along at 1500 watts output and the design is nothing new. 

Except the added cost/complexity of a bias and screen supply.
Then what do you do years down the road with a tube that is completely
single source from a less than stable country?
Yeah, I know...at that price buy a spare set and dont worry.

For $190 I'll keep buying 8877 medical pulls; at least I have a fairly
comfortable feeling they will be available for a few more years. Plus I
just saved about $200. 

Next progression step is some serious SS devices.

73  Carl  KM1H

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