[AMPS] Filament choke rod material

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 12:49:00 -0500

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999 14:36:57 -0800 Vic Rosenthal <rakefet@rakefet.com>
>I have a couple of Amidon R33-050-750 ferrite rods.  They are 1/2" x 
>7-1/2" in
>size.  They make these rods with R33 and R61 material; the R33 has a
>permeability of 800 and the R61 of 125.
>My question is: can I use the R33 rods for filament chokes at 1.8-30 

Absolutely and with no performance degradation at 10M either. The added L
with the 33 mix improves the low bands.

>Amidon says in their booklet "CHOKE APPLICATIONS: ...the #33 material 
>should be
>selected for 40 and 80 meter bands and the #61 material is most 
>suitable for 10
>through 40 meters"

That is more attuned to mono band applications.

>Has anyone made filament chokes using these rods, and if so which 
>material did
>they use?

Radiokit and B&W sold chokes and kits for many years with the R33-50-750
rod for 160-10M use.
I sell kits today using that rod.

73  Carl  KM1H

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