[AMPS] PS caps

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 26 Mar 1999 15:34:14 -0500

On Thu, 25 Mar 1999 17:17:27 -0800 Vic Rosenthal <rakefet@rakefet.com>
>km1h@juno.com wrote:
>Vic Rosenthal <rakefet@rakefet.com>
>> >Also, Harbach has a module containing 8 210/450 capacitors (I 
>> >know what
>> >kind) for $115.  It includes the mounting plates (easy to make) 
>> >the bleeders
>> >(pretty cheap).  However, he matches the capacity within 1-1/2%.
>> Harbach does that in order to maintain long term reliability with a 
>> value equalizing resistor. If you start off with a very close 
>> it should hold over temp and time. Cheap caps are known for value 
>> with temp.
>I bought 8 matched caps from him (not the module, just the caps) for 
>$68.  The
>set I got measured about 240 mf each, CDE type DCM. 

Hi Vic, 

If you want to play the game you have to feel the pain. A quote from the
old Beretta TV series.

$68 is short money for peace of mind but the cheapos will continue on
their merry way.

73  Carl  KM1H

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