[AMPS] Grid driven triodes

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 31 Mar 1999 02:26:02 -0800

>Rich says:
>> Specify a triode for Class AB1 grid-driven linear service,  and I'll have
>> a go at it with the appropriate characteristic-curves
>The original question was about using tubes like a 450TL. I figure AB2 is
>necessary for things like that. 

€  Typical total IMD figures for Class AB2 grid-driven service seems to 
be around minus 20db below pep for ssb voice modulation.  Substantial 
grid-current in grid driven service equals substantial distortion.  

> Are there triodes specified for AB1 grounded
>cathode operation these days? 

€  Not specified.  The characteristic-curves tell the story.  

>The requirement is that at zero grid volts, it
>has to draw pretty substantial plate current, 

€  indeed

>and I don't know what there is
>around that would do that. 

€  The 3CX2500A1 and the 3CX3000A1. 

-  cheers, Peter


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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