[AMPS] 4cx300's on 6 query

measures measures@vcnet.com
Wed, 6 Oct 1999 07:32:17 -0700

>I'm putting together a budget 6m amp using a pair of 4cx300
>glommed into an SB200 chassis. Parallel.
>Curious about input.
>My 6m rig is one of those little 10W Icoms.
>I'm thinking a swamping resistor and an untuned transformer
>to get the appropriate voltage swing on the grids.
>Suitable arrangement?
€  Like it or not, the grid-C dictates that it is going to be a 
tuned-circuit.  My guess is that the grid termination is going to be a 
couple of hundred ohms, with around 60 v of grid bias.  If you want to 
get max. performance out of the 4cx300A's, you need to use high screen 
and anode V, namely 400v and 2000v.  For SSB, my guess is that you could 
get away with using 2500v-no load on the anode.  .  . 

cheers, Bob.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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