[AMPS] Re: The Best Value or Best AMP!
Phil Levin W2GE
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 08:58:03 -0400
I want to thank Jan Holm for his info! I just gotta get me a DAVE
MADE! What a "f------" riot! Of course there' nothing like a 30 kw amp
for CB. I'd heard some of these guys used alot of power but I never
beleived that kinda stuff. Whew!
Jan.E.Holm@telia.se wrote:
> Get a kick an look at davemade.com instead. Hmmm,
> maybe I should get myself a "rod of god" and get heard.
> /Jim SM2EKM
> PS:this fellow has the best amps, just read his page and
> find out.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Fr�n: vk6apk@eon.net.au [SMTP:vk6apk@eon.net.au]
> Skickat: den 7 oktober 1999 00:39
> Till: amps@contesting.com
> �mne: VB: Re: [AMPS] The Best Value or Best AMP!
> Take a look at
> http://www.emtron.com.au/AmpDX2D.html
> That's the one that got my money. Best thing I've ever bought in my
> life.
> Don't tell the wife I said that.
> 73 de Alek,
> At 06:11 AM 10/06/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> >
> >The Ameritron AL-1500 , AL-1200 , Or ALPHA 87A . I need an Amp that
> will
> >last a long time as I will retire soon and the funds will be limited. I
> >work more CW than SSB, but do like SSB contest and DX. I have a New
> >Station and would like to make this one last for a few years. The amp I
> >pick will be used but not abused and probably never be run close to the
> >limit. Thanks and see you during The Arrl SS and 10Meter Contest.
> > Phillip M
> >Walker K0VX
> > Mandan ND
> >58554-1238
> >
> --
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