[AMPS] The Best Value or Best AMP!

Larry Molitor w7iuv@axtek.com
Thu, 07 Oct 1999 23:24:29 +0100

At 03:18 PM 10/7/99 -0500, Phil Clements wrote:

>Compare the size of these components with the old B&W 850
>series coils, which were rated at 1 kw AM input! The new generation
>of hams that have been brain washed at Hamfeat booths have never
>seen what a commercial grade 1500 watt amp should look like.
>I'll give you a hint; it would have only one tube with a minimum 1500
>watt plate dissipation, and would require two folks to pick it up!
>Phil, K5PC

Phil, My personal criteria for quality is:

"If it ain't big enough to kill you if it falls on you, it ain't worth

Some might argue the point. Each to his own.


Larry - W7IUV
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