[AMPS] Hold on - SWR meter placement

measures measures@vcnet.com
Fri, 8 Oct 1999 13:35:54 -0700

>measures wrote:
>>>>€  In a slotted line, when the swr is less than perfect, the voltage on 
>>>>the line varies with position.  
>>>What is "less than perfect" SWR, Rich?  I thought SWR was a ratio of max 
>>>voltage to min voltage on the line.  What is meant by "less than perfect"?
>>More than 1 to 1.  
>Still insisting on YOUR wives tale, Rich?  

€  You might do well to try the experiment, Jon.  Who knows, you could be 
right?  Wanna make a side bet of a large pizza with five toppings and 
salad bar?.  

>   All the rest of us and all of 
>the textbooks that talk about VSWR are wrong?

€ I am aware of no textbook that says moving an SWR meter along a 
mismatched transmission line will make no difference in the reading.  The 
93-ohm halfwave line in the Quiz was just such a case.  The measured SWR 
varied all over the place.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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