[AMPS] Hold on - SWR meter placement

bob alexander realex@flash.net
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 20:23:34 -0500

There are several possible reasons why your measurements "varied all
over the place."

1. You have a defective SWR meter

2. You have a balanced load at the end of an unbalanced coax resulting
in currents on the outer surface of the coax shield which are screwing
up the measurements

3. Your load is radiating and causing the same condition  on the line as
in item 2

4.  When you moved the SWR meter you did not make good connections to
the meter and/or to the splice in the cable...see item 2

5.  The coax or connector(s) is bad...see item 2

6.  If you are calculating SWR from forward and reverse power
measurements, you forgot to take the square root

7. You misread the meter

If you get different readings at different points on the line, you have
a measurement error probably caused by one of the above choices.
SWR on a mismatched line is the same from one end to the other (with
slight modification due to cable losses).


Emin = Emax defines a 1:1 VSWR so how can the voltage vary with a 1:1


Bob, W5AH

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