[AMPS] quiet quiet quiet

measures measures@vcnet.com
Sun, 10 Oct 1999 11:24:17 -0700

>The last time I posed a question about an Amp(Amps) I was told it was a

�  Some of the members of AMPS are just that.  

>I haven't found a company that sells that brand of amp,
>but I got the message!  I have never been to a "Hamfest", other than the
>local level and haven't been BrainWashed by any Amp dealer and the ones
>I have contacted have been very helpful and explained the good points
>about thier product and not how bad and evil the other ones are. 

�  The nitty gritty of various amplifier designs is hardly a safe subject 
for dealers --  nor is it a safe subject for QST authors.  I wrote just 
such an article for the January, 1994 issue of QST and within a couple of 
months, the feces hit the fan.  . 

>I will make a decision based on the input from everyone. What I buy will be
>good and heavy duty and last a long time. Thanks guys.
>                                                         P M Walker
>                                                         Mandan ND
>FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampsfaq.html
>Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
>Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.contesting.com/ampsfaq.html
Submissions:              amps@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  amps-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-amps@contesting.com
Search:                   http://www.contesting.com/km9p/search.htm