measures measures@vcnet.com
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 19:39:03 -0700

>At 01:34 PM 10/11/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>>>€  What is a 50-ohm isolator?
>>Rich, you don't know much about RF, do you?
>>An isolator is a device that is typically used at higher frequencies than 
>>HF that effectively makes any load "look" like 50 Ohms.  Now I KNOW 
>>you'll find some way to criticize that and parse it and pick it apart, 
>>but so what.  
>>So Rich, instead of just criticizing, how about stepping up to the plate 
>>and answering some of my questions?  Afraid that you may have to 
>>backtrack on some things?
>Ah, Rich didn't criticize anything Jon...he just asked a question.  He
>asked because "isolator" probably isn't part of the common jargon in RF
>circles for a device that does what you describe...

€  I used isolators when I worked in a calibration lab.  They had two 
waveguide connections, and they had no characteristic Z.  

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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