[AMPS] 8877 3 min time delay

Dick McDuffie ny1e@server.nlbbs.com
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 14:30:23 -0400

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>At 09:25 PM 10/19/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>I want to run multiple 8877 amps on a single HV supply, I can't figure a
>>way to keep the 3 minute delay if I turned on a second amp. Is there a
>>danger to the tube if heater voltage is applied after HV is on, even if the
>>tube is in cutoff? HV is on all amps when on. 
>>               Thanks, Dick NY1E

I found a simple way to protect each amp, W.W. Grainger has a solid state
delay relay made for refrigeration, adjustable from .1 to 600 seconds. At
$8 I can put one in each amp! Part # 4E233   works from 18-240 VAC. I
bought one yesterday to try, it repeats +/- 5 seconds, so I installed it &
set at 185 seconds.
                   de Dick NY1E

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