[AMPS] Italians and power?

Scott Townley nx7u@arrl.net
Sun, 31 Oct 1999 15:02:27 +0000

And I've always wondered kinda the same thing here.  I've been running HF mobile
for the past few weeks, and I've been getting thru "OK", even busting a few
medium-sized pileups, with 100W and a Hustler.
Now this weekend no-one can hear me, even in the clear.
My guess is that, especially in EU, the pre-amps are OFF and the attenuators are
ON and the SSB filters are NARROW to keep the poor front-end from losing its
smoke.  There's a lot of voltage in the air for that poor RX!

Scott Townley NX7U
Gilbert, AZ

Radiodan W7RF wrote:

> One more CQWW DX SSB contest passed and a good time was had by all
> (hopefully). Part of our amateur hobby is the radio sport of it for some,
> myself included.
> And once again a tail of the Italian(s) who were 10 to 20 DB over S-9 that I
> could not work!
> In particular IG9A was soooo strong that I thought for sure I'd work him.
> I've worked many italians on SSB and CW but in the contests "they" seem to
> "come out".
> When I first put up my tower in 1984 and with it a 2 ele. yagi for 40M I had
> my first taste of this. Here it is 1999 and a new 2 ele. yagi for 40M with
> legal limit output and they still aren't hearing me. I know it's not me as
> nobody from the west cost worked him while I was listening. Not just a
> simple case of being beat out by closer or better propagationed stations,
> nope, there were times when he called and called but seemingly nobody was
> calling him.
> Anybody have any stories of how much power those guys are actually using?
> Is this thing on?
> 73, Dan Magro W7RF, (President WARC 1999, member SCDXC, SCCC)
> Manufacturers Rep & Distributor for HENRY RF Power Amplifiers.
> RF Applications Power Measuring equipment, See the VFD & WinWatt!
> www.radiodan.com    RFpower@radiodan.com
> A trip to our web site is worth the click!
> --
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