[AMPS] Have Cake & Eat it too

Jonathan Kaplan jonk@jskent.com
Thu, 09 Sep 1999 08:32:21 -0700

The M2 sits about 5 ft above the TH7DX on the towers mast.  Also the 
M2 is rotated  90 deg from the TH7DX, so I would think they are not coupled.
Do you know diffferent?

Thanks for the quick reply.


At 10:03 AM 9/9/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Is your new M2 closer to the tribander than the old dipole was? How
>close is it, now?
>Sounds like coupling - the 40M antenna IS resonant on 15 after all.
	I've been slowly putting on line my tower installation with a
>> TH7DX and a M2 40 mtr dipole atop a 55ft crankup. I've noticed
>> a strange behavior since switching from a tuned dipole. My  
>> Clipperton L amp will tune either for power or SWR on all bands
>> but 15mtrs, but not for both. In other words, when I tune the AMP
>> the power meter (a RS model) will either show greater power at
>> a high SWR or low power at low SWR. 

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