[AMPS] PA-77 question, round two

measures measures@vcnet.com
Sat, 11 Sep 1999 11:21:22 -0700

>When a good 8877 is properly tuned (slightly heavy loading)
>it will put around 2300 watts into the antenna with 55-65 ma
>of TRUE grid current. I have had several Alpha 77DX/77SX's
>and all of them read HIGH on the grid meter. I think Dick had
>in mind that it would help to save tubes. NEVER let the grid current
>on an 8877 exceed 75 ma under any circumstances. I set all my
>grid-trip circuits to this value.
Eimac rates the 8877 at 20w max. grid dissipation.  Normal grid/cathode 
potential is 55Vrms.  With 75mA of grid current, dissipation is approx. 

Why do you limit grid current to 75mA, Phil?

-  Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.  

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