[AMPS] handles for cheap...

Steve Cook scook@azstarnet.com
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 18:46:52 -0700

The 8171 is my personal favorite!

Reasonable filament power requirements, quiet cooling in SSB (without 20dB
of compression), similar sized components that the typical ham puts into a
little 8877 project, no fancy input circuitry, simple grid and screen
supplies, no filament chokes, can use RG-213 class coax, ~100 watts of drive
and presto -- you're +40 on the West Coast from Tucson AZ.

Built my 8170 for about $2K,  Looked great too.

Rich, I don't know if our theory was correct or not, but on those cold
winter mornings when 40M was all but dead, it did seemed like the extra 20dB
kind of took over where the solar flux left off.

Handles -- Just do it!


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