[AMPS] Selecting an amp for SSB and RTTY
Jon Ogden
Thu, 30 Sep 99 15:53:03 -0500
kk5yy@juno.com wrote:
>An AmpSupply LK-500NT with new Eimac 3-500Zs
>A Drake L7(not A) also with new Eimac 3-500Zs
>An ETO Alpha 78 that appears to have had little
>to no use. This is a 3 holer with 3 8874s
While I don't know enuf about all these amps, what I do want to point out
is what you state your operating requirements to be.
You plan on operating SSB and RTTY. If you want to do full power out
RTTY, then you need a much heavier duty amp than one designed primarily
for SSB. The duty cycle of RTTY is 100% and so you need an amp with
sufficient cooling and a large enough power supply to handle the duty
cycle. I am not sure which of these amps would be best, but my gut tells
me that the Alpha is probably the best choice. They have traditionally
designed amps that can withstand infinite keydowns.
If you don't need legal limit on RTTY (many antennas aren't spec'd for
that), then perhaps any of the amplifiers would work fine if you back of
the power.
Have fun!
The Second Amendment is NOT about duck hunting!
Jon Ogden
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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