[AMPS] Off Topic - Visalia International DX Convention April 14-16, 2000
Will, K6NDV
Sat, 1 Apr 2000 20:43:58 -0700
If you have never been to the Visalia International DX Convention, it is
the largest gathering of DX'ers for a single event in the country, and
probably the world. This year promises a great collection of DX forums,
presentations, fun and fellowship with close to 800 attendees expected
to attend.
Here are the highlights of the major prizes for the Visalia, CA 2000 DX
Convention on April 14, 15 & 16th, 2000!! Remember, these are the
highlights, with lots of other cool prizes and stuff not mentioned.
$1500 discount certificate from ACOM on the purchase of a new ACOM 2000A
HF amp, AEA CIA-HF antenna analyzer, Alinco DX70 HF xcvr, Alpha 99 Amp
(yes, the whole amp), Alpha $1000 discount certificate on a new Alpha
87A, Butternut HF2V HF vertical antenna, Clearway Contest Voice Keyer,
Cushcraft R8 multiband Vertical Ant, Big $$$ discount certificate on a
TRI-EX LM 470 tower, Force 12 C31XR HF beam (it's huge), Heil Goldline
Microphones and Headsets, $1000 & $500 discount certificates on new
Henry Amplifiers, Icom IC706mkII HF xcvr, Kenwood TS950SDX HF xcvr, M2
HF beam antenna, Peter Dahl gift certificates, National Cable and Wire
coax and rotor cables, Polyphaser Lightning protection pack, SGC smart
antenna tuner, Svetlana 4CX800a7 tubes, Tennadyne T8 log periodic
antenna, US Tower TX 455 tower (yes, the whole tower), W2IHY audio
equalizer, World Radio Lifetime Subscription, Yaesu FT1000D HF
transceiver, and lots, lots more!!!
All told, more the 60 individuals, dealers, vendors, manufacturers, and
organizations have generously donated prizes to this year's
International DX Convention. Impossible to list everyone / everything
- lots of other great stuff! (station accessories, books, CD's,
software, subscriptions, etc.)
If you aren't excited yet, you'd better check and make sure you are
still breathing, because these are some of the greatest prizes we have
ever had!
Be sure to check the International DX Convention web site at:
www.scdxc.org/dxconv2000.html for more information. Don't miss this
event coming up on April 14, 15 &16 in Visalia, CA.
Herb - KG6OK
2000 International DX Convention
Prize Committee Chairman
P.S. de W4ZV...don't forget the Topband gathering!...see:
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