[AMPS] High Voltage Connectors?
Phil Clements
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 01:44:17 -0500
>phenolic is hygroscopic. The red and black Millen connectors that I
.> have seen are phenolic.
When I was looking into buying the Millen Company, I asked a lot
about the connectors. They are made by pouring a compound into
a mold like molten metal is made into bars etc. When I found that
the old molds are just about "tango-uniform" this was a great factor
in putting my money elsewhere.
Hygroscopic or not, they are in wide daily use, and have been for years.
Moreso in industrial amps and commercial amps than amateur amps.
There are a lot of much better connectors out there nowadays that have
no bad properties, but they are very expensive. I will stand by my
statement that a Millen connector will outlast its owner, sans abuse.
Phil, K5PC
> - Rich..., 805.386.3734, www.vcnet.com/measures.
> end
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