[AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay...

N6BUU@aol.com N6BUU@aol.com
Sat, 29 Apr 2000 13:04:09 EDT

In a message dated 04/29/2000 09:53:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
nospam4me@juno.com writes:

  Just so you can do a reality check... 
  The latest price of an un opened SB 220 kit as offered on Ebay: 
  $2,400.00   for the opening bid 
  no one has jumped in yet  
JUST A THOUGHT, but i wonder what it would cost to build a sb 220 kit ( just 
the parts, of the same type& quality) in todays dollars??        HANK

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