[AMPS] latest un opened SB 220 kit price off Ebay...

Lane Zeitler Ku7i@worldnet.att.net
Sat, 29 Apr 2000 07:46:32 -0700

This is a great question. I heard that the Oemga amp fixer guy was thinking
of offering kits similar to what Heath offered in the early 70's: a two tube
3-500Z and a two tube 572B amp. I would think that you could buy new all of
the parts to mimic an SB-220 for less than $800.00. The big items are the
plate xmfr which Dahl has for around $185.00 and the filament and control
voltge xmfr also at Dahl I think is around $95 or so. The tubes are not
cheap so maybe it could be done for less than $950 or so. I would love to
see another kit form HF amp like these.



> JUST A THOUGHT, but i wonder what it would cost to build a sb 220 kit
> the parts, of the same type& quality) in todays dollars??        HANK
> --
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