[AMPS] 4CX1500B / 4CX1000A 50MHz Amp

alan gi0otc@qsl.net
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 16:40:19 +0100

<Second posting, first one didn't appear on the list>

Hi all, have just finished a 50MHz amp with a 4CX1500B, but the tube I
have was a 'pull' of dubious origin. Was able to confirm input and
output circuit resonance and got about 350 - 400 watts out before the
screen current started to climb and tripped out the "Tetrode Boards"
(G3SEK) screen protection circuit. Now the screen current remains high
continuously !! (Tube wrecked ?)

Photos at: http://www.qsl.net/gi0otc/photo2.htm

Question: I have a new 4CX1000A but no data sheet, can I swap these two
tubes and if so do I need to alter any voltages ?

Any help appreciated.

73 de Alan, GI0OTC (ex GI8YDZ)

Locator: IO65QE

Email: gi0otc@qsl.net
URL:   http://www.qsl.net/gi0otc/

ICQ: 67173209

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