[AMPS] 4CX1500B / 4CX1000A 50MHz Amp

Phil Clements philk5pc@tyler.net
Wed, 9 Aug 2000 10:59:52 -0500

Eimac has a web site...
The 4CX1000A should work fine.
Phil, K5PC
Subject: [AMPS] 4CX1500B / 4CX1000A 50MHz Amp

> <Second posting, first one didn't appear on the list>
> Hi all, have just finished a 50MHz amp with a 4CX1500B, but the tube I
> have was a 'pull' of dubious origin. Was able to confirm input and
> output circuit resonance and got about 350 - 400 watts out before the
> screen current started to climb and tripped out the "Tetrode Boards"
> (G3SEK) screen protection circuit. Now the screen current remains high
> continuously !! (Tube wrecked ?)
> Photos at: http://www.qsl.net/gi0otc/photo2.htm
> Question: I have a new 4CX1000A but no data sheet, can I swap these two
> tubes and if so do I need to alter any voltages ?
> Any help appreciated.
> Regards.
> 73 de Alan, GI0OTC (ex GI8YDZ)

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