[AMPS] info

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Sun, 13 Aug 2000 18:14:03 +0000

At 08:46 AM 8/13/00 -0700, nospam4me@juno.com wrote:
>Hello again, 
>A few of you have Emailed me direct to ask about the script vi which 
>has shown it's face from amps member computers. 
>This vi goes behind the scene and uses your Email address book 
>to send itself out to people who are in your saved messages and 
>folder book.  This is all done without your knowledge anytime you 
>send a batch of Email out.  
>Norton and MacAffee appear to take it out ok. 

Fortunately, Eudora simply captured it as the "sig" but did not let it
execute as a script -- which seems to be uniquely an Outlook problem.
McAfee had to be told to scan files with .ht* extensions as if they were
program files.

73, Pete Smith N4ZR

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