[AMPS] Toll Free

George K. Watson watson@epiloglaser.com
Sat, 19 Aug 2000 17:41:41 -0600

>> Why not drop all this bickering, and let's just see what he really
>> knows.

Yes, we should get back to our regularly scheduled bickering about,
oh god... I can't even type the word.... ppppaaaarraaassssiiittiicccsss.

Hope I haven't let loose the dogs of war.

BTW Mr. Rauch your suggestion about running PIN diodes in RF parallel/DC
made about a year ago parked you fully in my 'wheat' column. I was wondering
if I could use the same technique to cut insertion losses on the receive
of the switch at VHF/UHF. Are the losses a function of the diodes or just
stray reactances in the rest of the design?

George K. Watson

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