[AMPS] Toll Free

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 22:15:45 -0400

> wondering if I could use the same technique to cut insertion losses on the
> receive side of the switch at VHF/UHF. Are the losses a function of the
> diodes or just the stray reactances in the rest of the design?

It's hard to say, without seeing the layout and components, where 
the loss is. Certainly most of the loss, if the system uses the 
correct components, should be in the diodes.

I wouldn't use a series DC path, however, because it would reduce 
the hold-off voltage. For receiving, I'd be sure the system was 
matched and parasitic losses were as low as possible. Be sure 
you use the lowest on-resistance diodes consistent with the 
voltage hold-off required.

Then if you have too much series resistance, parallel more diodes 
and run more current, using some method of equalizing currents 
without adding needless parasitic losses.

73, Tom W8JI

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