[AMPS] Pride amp

KB7WW Art Moe kb7ww@chatusa.com
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 23:44:32 -0700

I think you need to rethink your statement.  I owned a Johnson 6&2 
amp at one time and it worked just fine with about 4 watts of drive,
about 400 out at that drive level, but with 7 - 10 watts it did better
about 700. Yes it is still on the air at some other hams location and
the screen voltage has a better regulator. BTW it ran 4CX150 - 250's

Was this not a HAM AMP?????

"D.Anderson" wrote:
> The Pride amp requires 4 watts drive.  Ham radio amps require 100 watts.  I can
> only think of one service with 4 watt drivers, CB...
> DA
> --
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