[AMPS] 811H's on CB

michael watts wy6k@yahoo.com
Mon, 28 Aug 2000 13:07:28 -0700 (PDT)

It seems to me that refusing to perform repair work,
whether warranty or not, without proof of a ham
license is a reasonable voluntary action that the amp
makers could engage in.  It wouldn't all of the
problem, of course, but it would probably stop some of

I think the only real solution is aggressive

Mike wy6k
--- "George K. Watson" <watson@epiloglaser.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately, there is no way to police this
> activity effectively as there
> would always be amateur licensee/CB enthusiast
> crossovers to defeat Mr.
> Rauch's
> proposed solution. There is probably no solution
> that does not involve
> individual
> lawbreakers ceasing the activity either voluntarily
> or through extreme
> dissuasion.
> I would not really mind this activity if it stuck to
> polluting its own pool:
> 11m,
> but there are many who ignore the frequency
> boundaries and creep up to 10m
> and down
> to 12m. Fortunately the harmonics from dirty 11m
> activity only pollute the
> 6m band when
> the skip is in (theoretically).
> 73,
> George K. Watson
> K0IW
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