[AMPS] 811H's on CB

Tom Rauch W8JI@contesting.com
Mon, 28 Aug 2000 20:38:38 -0400

> It seems to me that refusing to perform repair work,
> whether warranty or not, without proof of a ham
> license is a reasonable voluntary action that the amp
> makers could engage in.  It wouldn't all of the
> problem, of course, but it would probably stop some of
> it.

Some years ago I did that with an amplifier owned by a California 
lawyer, because he had no license and used the amp to run 
communications on an amateur band in off road races somewhere 
in the desert.

I knew that because both he and the dealer told me that.

When I refused to service his amplifier, he threatened a lawsuit. So 
I repaired the amplifier and turned him in to the FCC and some 
group in California that was supposed to look at this sort of 

My question is, for anyone that knows, is a manufacturer required 
to repair a device being used illegally? What if that is stated in the 
terms of warranty?

73, Tom W8JI

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